A U G U S T - Sun in Leo/Sun in Virgo – Zodiac Coffee Roasters

A U G U S T - Sun in Leo/Sun in Virgo

The trine with Virgo Mercury is wonderful for blunt-edged Taurus, who could use the crisp Virgoan energy to add more sophistication to their dispatches. With newfound clarity of expression comes clarity of understanding, as well; you’ll find that you understand and learn much more than before. This would be an excellent time to take up a new kind of study or other mentally-stimulating hobby. Do so before August 12th, when Virgo Mercury swings into retrograde for the rest of the month and beyond. With the Leo Sun squaring your own for the first half of the month (ditto Leo Mars), you may feel as though your very validity is being questioned. You are constantly being asked to prove yourself and it feels wretched. Use the sextile with Cancer Venus (August 1-26) and the earthy, stabilizing Taurus Moon (August 14-15) as a means of listening and empathizing with those who may seem obstructionist. The sextile with retrograde Neptune in Pisces attunes you to people’s needs and primes you for their input. It is okay to withdraw from time to time this month if you need to. Finally, with the influence of the retrograde Capricorn Pluto trine, you may be borne up in powerful or intense life situations that require you to be shrewd and pay attention. Do not dissolve, and do not fight-- only be a student of where you are.

Y O U R    B L E N D    T H I S    M O N T H

The Earth is moving under you this month, and when it's finished, you'll be grounded and centered you in ways you really needed.