Libra – Zodiac Coffee Roasters


D E C E M B E R 1 7 - 2 3 : L I B R A

D E C E M B E R    1 7 - 2 3 :    L I B R A

Sagittarius Saturn finishes its sextile to your Sun on the 19th, ending a years-long period of eye-opening inner progress and ideological rearrangement. On the 20th, Saturn enters Capricorn, squaring the...

N O V E M B E R - Sun in Scorpio/ Sun in Sagittarius

N O V E M B E R  -  Sun in Scorpio/ Sun in Sagittarius

Venus conjoins with your sign from November 1st to the 7th, making for an excellent first week. Venus, after all, is in its rulership with Libra, its romantic charms finally...

O C T O B E R - Sun in Libra/ Sun in Scorpio

O C T O B E R  -  Sun in Libra/ Sun in Scorpio

Happy birthday, October Libras! From the 1st to the 9th, you can reap the benefits of Jupiter’s last few days of Libra tenancy, especially if you were born late in...

S E P T E M B E R - Sun in Virgo/ Sun in Libra

S E P T E M B E R  -  Sun in Virgo/ Sun in Libra

Happy birthday, September Libras! The Leo Mercury in retrograde draws to a close in sextile to your Sun along with Leo Mars, making you more prone to verbal brashness and...

J U L Y - Sun in Cancer/ Sun in Leo

J U L Y - Sun in Cancer/ Sun in Leo

The first-quarter Libra Moon kicks off the first two days of the month, making it a favorable time to touch base with people you might’ve lost ground with. Your Sun...